Artist's chalenges
The greatest challenges that contemporary painters have to face in order to emerge
Being a painter as a profession without starvation, getting noticed, appreciated and implemented on the art market is a difficult undertaking.
The talent, the passion, the hard work done over the years to study, to perfect and customize your style, the time spent trying to express on the canvas intimate thoughts and emotions, the sacrifices made to be able to buy the materials to paint, etc. . are not enought...
It is sad and unjust for the true painter, but it is a fact: in contemporary art the concept of objectively beautiful it is often replaced by a mere marketing activity.
It is sad that an artist with a good economic possibility could achieve success in a very short time differently from an artist (painter like me :)) with a unique style, genuine, original, powerful of a good artistic technique, but lacking the necessary economic means for be publicized by the press that counts, to pay for the exhibitions in the trendy galleries, to have a good curator, critics of super fame, that make him catapult in the art market, instead he can hardly find money to pay the materials to continue to paint ...
My questions today in this world so commercialized and consumerist,are:
1 Do we need art?
2 And if, in spite of everything, a painter continues to believe in his art,is it right to ask for alms?
3 Is shameful for those who ask, or for those who put him in such conditions to have no other choices?

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